The Master of Science in Statistics is a consecutive graduate course of studies and covers a course load of 120 credit points (ECTS) with an average period of study of four terms (semesters). The programme is an alliance between the Technische Universität Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
Compulsory Area (32 credit points)
The compulsory area is intended to establish a solid mathematical foundation in probability theory and mathematical statistics. The following four courses need to be supplemented:
- Stochastik I (10 credit points)
- Econometric Methods or Methoden der Statistik (10 credit points)
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis or Multivariate Verfahren (6 credit points)
- Advanced Econometrics or Statistik für Fortgeschrittene (6 credit points)
Specialisation Area (48 credit points)
Two out of the seven areas of specialisations below need to be chosen:
- Statistical Inference
- Econometrics
- Quantitative Methods of Financial Markets
- Survey Statistics
- Applied Microeconometrics and Economic Research
- Statistics in Life Sciences
Data Science
Note that only the best 30 credit points are considered in the grading of this area!
Master Thesis (30 credit points)
Interdisciplinary Area (10 credit points)
The interdisciplinary area (ÜWP) accounts for general studies aspects such as language courses, Interdisciplinary and professional courses from abroad, internships and many more.
This area is ungraded.