If you are unable to write an exam locally due to a stay abroad, then there is the possibility of organising an invigilation via the local examination office at the host university and writing it there at the same time.
Can I do a semester abroad?
Yes. You can apply for a semester (or a full academic year) abroad through all four universities:
Please contact the corresponding international offices for possibilities and details.
HU Berlin International Office at the School of Business and Economics
FU Berlin Division International Affairs
TU Berlin Student Mobility & International Students
Charité International Cooperation
Will my course credits from semester abroad be recognized?
If you plan to take courses for credit, you should prepare a Learning Agreement before the semester abroad. There is no guarantee of credit for courses taken afterwards.
For credit transfer as
- an equivalent course in the Master’s programme, please contact the lecturer and have him/her sign the Learning Agreement and the Course Equivalency Form,
- a course in a specialisation area, please contact a lecturer from the specialisation area and have him/her sign the Learning Agreement and the Examination Recognition Form,
- a course in the elective area, please contact the study advisor for the Master’s programme and have him/her sign the Learning Agreement and the Examination Recognition Form.
After the semester abroad please hand in the transcript, the Examination Recognition Form for each course, as well as the Course Equivalency Form if applicable to Ms Kaboub.